2017 Coffeeneuring

This is our 5th year Coffeeneuring! Lance started with this grand plan of a theme to coffeeneur to a different bridge over Stranger Creek. This turned out to be a bit more than we could arrange in a few weeks time. We did manage a couple! We mostly stuck to the Coffee Shop Without Walls. Lance is getting pretty good at making a pour over on the side of the road! He even made a coffee kit so we can grab and go. 

  1.  Meriwether's Coffeehouse:: 10.13.17:: Golden Milk & Sacajawea Latte:: 4 mile city ride
  2. Stranger Creek Bridge #1:: 10.15.17:: Pour over's by Lance:: 35 mile gravel ride
  3. Stranger Creek Bridge #2:: 10.22.17:: Pour over's by Lance:: 37 mile gravel ride
  4. Salt Creek Valley Farms:: 10.21.17:: Maps Coffee :: 19 mile gravel ride. It's so cool to stop off in the middle of the countryside to find coffee and baked goods! Pumpkin patches are where it's at!
  5. Lake Stella Maris:: 10.29.17:: Hot Cider from home:: 20 mile gravel ride
  6. Riverfront Park:: 11.1.17:: Pour overs by Lance:: 4 mile city ride
  7. Coffeeshop without walls:: 10.12.17:: Hot tea from home :: 14 mile country ramble.


Gypsum Hills

Gypsum Hills hit my radar sometime over the winter. The pictures I found online were impressive, but I had not heard much about this area before. I quickly put this area on my "To Ride" list and forgot about it until after tax season. We had originally scheduled to ride this area in April but April showers got the best of the weekend we had planned so we called in a rain check. 

Friday night we loaded up our van and drove as far as Chase County Fishing Lake. We rolled in well after dark but miraculously found a spot even though it was Memorial Weekend. Chase Fishing Lake has been a go to spot for us the past few years. It seems to be a good in-between spot. Friday night did not disappoint. The stars were so clear & plentiful & there were so many lightening bugs that it almost felt like the paparazzi were out in the fields. It was one of those beautiful moments that you couldn't capture on camera even if you wanted to.

Early Saturday morning we headed south to Medicine Lodge and were on our bikes by 10:30 am. Our plan was to ride south of Highway 160 Saturday, overnight in Coldwater, KS and ride north of Highway 160 on the return to Medicine Lodge. Our friend, Brad had a route saved that he road in 2015 so we took his route out of Medicine Lodge via gravel roads and range land towards Coldwater. 

We were impressed with the area and roads from the moment we started pedaling. Oklahoma red dirt, Colorado cedars, but here we were in Kansas! We spent about 8 hours wandering around the Gypsum Hills on day 1, ending in Coldwater. Once in town, we stopped at Dave's Pizza Oven for dinner and then headed out to Coldwater Reservior to camp for the night.

Day 2, our route took us north of Highway 160. It was more a mixed terrain day which I was glad for. Just enough gravel to make it interesting and blacktop to allow me to rest. We went through a few small towns which meant we didn't have to worry about water so much. Sun City was a highlight. We ate great barbecue and got all the local history from the proprietor at Busters. We made great time the second day and made camp at Barber County Fishing Lake. Another gem. 

We called this our "Kick off Summer Tour". We highly recommend touring this area. We just barely scratched the surface of a beautiful part of Kansas!


Routes and notes...  

Day 1 Brad's Gypsum Hills Gravel Rte

Top notch route Brad! Open Range land, friendly farmers, interesting terrain.

Day 2 Gyp Hills Northside Day 2 was half gravel, half paved. There are more stops in the road on the Northside so water wasn't as much a concern.