2017 Coffeeneuring

This is our 5th year Coffeeneuring! Lance started with this grand plan of a theme to coffeeneur to a different bridge over Stranger Creek. This turned out to be a bit more than we could arrange in a few weeks time. We did manage a couple! We mostly stuck to the Coffee Shop Without Walls. Lance is getting pretty good at making a pour over on the side of the road! He even made a coffee kit so we can grab and go. 

  1.  Meriwether's Coffeehouse:: 10.13.17:: Golden Milk & Sacajawea Latte:: 4 mile city ride
  2. Stranger Creek Bridge #1:: 10.15.17:: Pour over's by Lance:: 35 mile gravel ride
  3. Stranger Creek Bridge #2:: 10.22.17:: Pour over's by Lance:: 37 mile gravel ride
  4. Salt Creek Valley Farms:: 10.21.17:: Maps Coffee :: 19 mile gravel ride. It's so cool to stop off in the middle of the countryside to find coffee and baked goods! Pumpkin patches are where it's at!
  5. Lake Stella Maris:: 10.29.17:: Hot Cider from home:: 20 mile gravel ride
  6. Riverfront Park:: 11.1.17:: Pour overs by Lance:: 4 mile city ride
  7. Coffeeshop without walls:: 10.12.17:: Hot tea from home :: 14 mile country ramble.